Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

  • Running at lunch on side by side treadmills with a co-worker.
  • Summer work events= free food
  • Getting our “couch” i.e. twin sized futon
  • Earning a whopping 45 points at Trivia Night.. “And then there were two” will return for revenge!
  • Sushi
  • New friends
  • Game nights with co-workers…Cards against Humanity anyone?

Thank goodness it’s a long weekend. Monday= Chillin’ and Grillin’



Recently and Work Life

What I’ve Learned in Recent Days:

**Sitting in front of a computer all day is hard.

**Making flow charts is essential for certain business and have been my favorite work task.

** The meeting before the meeting is a real thing.

I’m “free range” I work at “workspace table”

**Attentively sitting with expectations to complete meeting minutes for four hours is a challenge...I’ll make flow charts any day of the week for 8 hours versus those 4 hour client meetings.

What they say…

So.. you get to teach yourself every program we use in the next two hours and execute your tasks perfectly.

How I feel…

Shoooot. *&%^@!

How I respond

Not a problem…I’ll be done by lunch.

**I’m no good at pool- Also, having a Gin and Soda in hand doesn’t help my game.

**There is a darts game called cricket. I love it.

**Rock Climbing/Bouldering is a great social activity, if it wasn’t such an expensive hobby I would go once a week. The calluses on my hand will just have to be conditioned again (they’re already almost gone after 5 days).

**If you haven’t heard of check it out. My housemates and I are on the friend hunt. We’ve made 2 friends through activities and are hungry for more! New city= New Social Circle! LOOK OUT! We’ve created a 100 Friend Dates Challenge. 6 down, only 92 to go.

**Having a couch and kitchen table is overrated…but, we’re still counting down the days until we can eat somewhere other than the floor.

So Punny!

** If I don’t workout in the morning…there’s an 85% chance I won’t exercise after my 8:30-6 day…plus commute (unless I have a buddy).


**I LOVE bagel Fridays.


Happy Saturday.